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These is a level, regular-shaped, red soil 10 acre plot whose boundaries will be marked by perimeter posts and electric fence. The land is fairly flat and has a 5 bedroom bungalow, with all the bedrooms being ensuite, kitchen fitted with cabinets, study area and a dining room. The compound with the house is fenced with a perimeter wall topped with razor wire.
The property is ideal for a hotel, hospital, recreation center and agriculture since its located very close to Oloitokitok Airstrip and the soil is good for farming. It's also 13 KM from the Tanzania Boarder and Approximately 40KM from Amboseli National Park.
Additional Details
BOUNDARY: The perimeter will be marked with concrete posts and electric fence.
PLOT: Regular shaped fairly level, red soil plot.
SERVICES: Water from a neighboring borehole and electricity are connected to the property. Foul drainage is to a septic tank. 17,000 Litres water storage.
Property Ref: 7630 | Added On: 26 Aug 2020 | Last Updated: 23 Apr 2022 |
Market Status: Not Available | Type: Land |
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