Commercial property for sale
Ongata Rongai, Kajiado
Income generating block of apartment on eighth plot in ongata rongai.
asking price ksh 60,000,000
call 0787309099 or 0781182192
income generating apartment for sale in ongata rongai
property features.
sits on a 50x100 plot with high rental yield
total rental income: kes 404,000 per month
additional borehole water income: kes 100,000 per month
grand total monthly income: kes 504,000
unit breakdown:
20 two-bedroom units @ 12k each = kes 240,000
8 one-bedroom units @ 9k each = kes 72,000
4 bedsitters @ 7k each = kes 28,000
8 shops @ 8k each = kes 64,000
reliable borehole water connection
prime location with high demand for rentals
perfect investment opportunity with guaranteed retu...
More details
KSh 60,000,000
Jgk Holdings